Faith Herrin

Faith is a Marriage, Couple, and Family Therapist Associate practicing under the supervision of Sophia Kukladyer, LMFT, T1429. Born and raised in Montana, she obtained her Bachelor’s of Fine Arts degree in Psychology from the University of Montana and her Master’s degree in Marriage, Couple, and Family Therapy with a specialization in sex therapy from Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon.

Faith has experience providing therapy services both in community mental health settings and hospitals to individuals, couples, and families. Prior to becoming a therapist, Faith worked at a therapeutic group home for adolescents in foster care. She minored in fine art during undergrad and has an appreciation for art and creativity.

Faith specializes in working with teens, couples, and families. She utilizes theories like Emotion-Focused Therapy, narrative therapy, CBT, and other integrative approaches to best fit your needs in therapy. Faith sees therapy as a collaborative process toward growth and change. She believes healing is done in relationships, whether that be a relationship with yourself, a partner, your family, or your community.

Professional Specializations

  • Couples therapy

  • Family therapy

  • Teens

Professional Certifications

  • Oregon Marriage and Family Therapist Associate, R7936

  • Supervised by Sophia Kukladyer, T1429

  • Level One Training Gottman Method Couples Therapy